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CIPAA Adjudication Process:

Quick and Efficient Resolution within

80-95 Working Days

Payment Claim (Form 1):

The unpaid party initiates the process by serving a Payment Claim to the non-paying party.

Payment Response
(Form 2)

Within 10 working days, the non-paying party must respond, detailing the amount admitted or disputed and the reasons

Notice of Adjudication (Form 3)

If no Payment Response is received, the unpaid party may serve a Notice of Adjudication.

Appointment of Adjudicator:

An adjudicator is appointed by mutual agreement or by the Director of AIAC if consensus is not reached within 10 days.

Adjudication Claim (Form 7)

The claimant submits a detailed Adjudication Claim within 10 working days of the adjudicator’s appointment.

Adjudication Response
(Form 8)

The respondent has 10 working days to submit a comprehensive Adjudication Response, including defenses and counterclaims.

Adjudication Reply (Form 9)

The claimant may reply to the Adjudication Response within 5 working days.

Adjudication Decision

The adjudicator delivers the decision within 45 working days from the submission of the Adjudication Response or Reply, whichever is later.

Enforcement of Adjudication Decision

If in the claimant’s favor, the decision can be enforced as a court judgment, through work suspension, direct payment requests, or initiating winding-up procedures.

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